Top Tips For Students Working From Home

Right now as a whole, our country - in fact the entire world, is experiencing a new wave of uncertainty. We are of course referencing the developments of Covid-19. We’re not going to go into the details of the situation, because if you’re like us - it is everywhere you turn. Online, on the television, in the papers. We want our blog to be a place you can escape and find useful information to keep you going when these uncertain times may seem tough. 

For many Universities up and down the UK, face to face lectures and seminars have been rescheduled to digital form. Meaning rather than turning up you are now tuning in. If you are fortunate enough to work from home throughout your studies, then now is the change to do it. Check out some of our top tips for students working from home. 


Top Tips For Students Working From Home


Keep Your Routine

When you are restricted on travel, space and resources, it can be extremely easy to fall out of your routine and become distracted. Yes your usual day to day routine will change inevitably and some aspects will be harder to stick to than others, however it is important to keep as much normality as you possibly can, this can be:

  • Keep your alarm - Wake up at the same time regardless of location

  • Stick to your usual morning routine - Shower, make a healthy breakfast 

  • Get dressed for work - We mean actually dressed. Yep - it’s time to ditch that dressing gown!


Create A Schedule

When you are on campus, each day can vary. You follow your timetable from lecture hall to the classroom, you are in classes with different people and while the structure stays the same - the small details switch up. When you are working from home you don’t always get this luxury. You may let your property on your own, or you may only have one space to work from. It is important to create a schedule to follow; in the morning’s make sure that once you are up, dressed and what would normally be ‘ready’ to walk out the door, practise tailoring your routine. Normally catch a coffee? Head downstairs to the kitchen and make yourself a tea or coffee, take it to your workspace, look over your emails and get cracking. 


Schedule Breaks

It is important to remember to schedule breaks into your daily routine. Would you normally have a 15 minute break in the morning between lectures? Take it! Have a coffee break. Take your usual lunch break and head outdoors for a brisk walk. Time away from the screen is crucial for maximum productivity. 


Alternate Plans

This may seem like a total nightmare when you are working on team projects, but don’t worry! Technology has developed leaps and bounds over the last few years and you can be JUST as productive over a Skype call! Video chat each other and plan your project. 


Keep In Touch

One of the hardest things about switching to working remotely can be the lack of communication and daily interaction. Avoid loneliness by checking in with your friends each day. Send them a text in the morning, on your lunch break and why not FaceTime or give them a phone call after hours? You can discuss your day, how you are finding the transition, plan projects and bounce ideas off each other. Support is vital right now. 


Set Boundaries

When you work from home it can be easy to get lost in what is your space and what is not. If you are living in a Student house share, establish your own space and set boundaries. Ask nobody to disturb you between certain hours, nobody to use your desk space or resources if they can help it and for everyone to clean up the space they are working in at the end of the day. 


Ask For What You Need

Life on campus is great because you have all of your resources right there, if and when you need them. But what happens when you work from home? Don’t be afraid to ask for any extra resource that you may need, whether that be a keyboard, printer, mouse, library books and so on. Your university will appreciate you asking if it benefits your efficiency.